Slowmotion (whyyyy soooo sloooooooow ?).Equipment cheats (Do you want your sentry shoot grenades ? Go here!).Spawn menu (Spawn enemies and props for fun).Autostart cheats (If you don't want to manually turn on some of them).Freeflight (Wonderfull for movie making).Interaction cheats (Instantly interact with common things or improve your interaction with things at all).Inventory cheats (Spawn extra bags or rain them to make your day).Character cheats (Common cheats like godmode, infinite ammo and etc.).

Stealth cheats (Everything you need to make your stealth heist successfull).DLC Unlocker (Why do we need to bother buying all dlcs ? Get them for free here!).Improved AimBot (It's no longer refill your health, refill ammo as option, also you can choose damage).Added possibility to choose a heist day in job menu.Added revive all players and open all doors to interaction menu, also added new interactions.