Play digital songs that have previously been purchased and downloaded to the hard-drive.Here are all of the functions that will still be available in SingStar after the servers are shutdown, according to the official website. No more online challenges will be available, and you also won’t be able to earn the Channel Surfer, Concert Debut, Stars in my Eyes, or SingStar trophies. (People with the PlayStation 2 or 3 games won’t be able to redownload digital songs they own.) You can’t share media or your high scores online or see others’ shared items. You won’t be able to buy songs after servers are closed, though people with the PlayStation 4 versions of the games will still be able to download songs they already own. Only the online SingStar elements will be impaired. While the games will still be playable offline, people won’t be able to buy or download songs, share scores or performances, or compete online. Sony has revealed the SingStar game servers will go offline on January 31, 2020.